First In Line with Brit Morin

Keep the FIVE star show!

I hope I’m not getting ahead of myself with this review since I’ve only heard the first and only pod cast. This pod cast had me laughing so hard, at my temp job in a HR Dept of all places! As a fellow Iowan, it’s great to hear Ashton and his beautiful wife Mika talking about their acting careers, advice and funny stories of the past. Britt, I think you have something to great to build on here! You definitely have the voice for this! Keep the funny stuff coming! And if you can teach one how to actually find a job as an admin assistant, photographer (one that studied in college) or say a crafter, my ears will be listening carefully! Great show!

March 5, 2020 by thecreativegal on Apple Podcasts

First In Line with Brit Morin